Principal’s Notepad: October 2010

Dear Rousseau Families,

This week, Project TRUST (Teaching and Reaching Using Students and Theater) from Lincoln High School presented their award-winning sexual abuse prevention program “TOUCH” to our students. This is the same theater group that presented the “Be Nice” bully prevention program at Rousseau School 2 years ago.    The “Touch” personal body safety program has been a favorite within Lincoln elementary schools for the past 17 years.

The highly energetic and entertaining TOUCH program talks with children about the continuum of touch we may experience: touch that is safe and good, touch that is confusing or embarrassing, and touch that is not ok with us because it leaves us feeling hurt or bad or scared. The show ends by talking about safe good touch again, thereby completing the continuum.

TOUCH uses high school students as actors and a professional in the field of child development and sexual abuse prevention as the moderator.

The interactive nature of the TOUCH program gives children the opportunity to rehearse responses to uncomfortable situations and provides a supportive environment for children to learn to say no to touch that they don’t like, to get away, and to tell someone.

A follow-up activity guide is included in your child’s Friday Folder materials today. Please feel free to contact me, Rousseau School counselor Kelly Thieman, or the program’s director, Susan Letheby, at 476-2424 if you have any questions or would like further information about how to talk with your child about this important subject.

Have a wonderful and safe fall break!

Most sincerely,

Sue Braun