
Rocky Had Heart and So Does Mason

Rousseau 5th grade student Mason and his dad created this video to promote his fundraising for and raise awareness of the annual Rousseau Jump Rope for Heart through the American Heart Association.  For more information on Jump Rope for Heart, please contact Rousseau PE teacher Mrs. Lana Peterson.

Artist Gary Staab Visits Rousseau

On Wednesday, February 23, world renowned and award-winning paleoartist Gary Staab visited Rousseau School to share his love for art, biology, and natural science with us.  Mr. Staab, who grew up in Grand Island, Nebraska, has said that he “always liked making stuff” and turned his Hastings College studies into a directed study with a focus on art and biology. Mr. Staab produces natural history and prehistoric life models for museums, publishing and film.  His work spans sculpting a flea to a T-rex and everything in between.  His sculptures and models are displayed in the halls of the National Geographic, The Smithsonian Institute, the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, the American Museum of Natural History, and have been used in Walt Disney animation. In his career he has had great adventures such as being invited on archeological digs and measuring crocs in Costa Rica.  He even got to venture into King Tut’s tomb with scientists to research then create the first exact 3D replica of King Tut’s mummy.  All students got a chance to hear him speak about his work and some had the extraordinary opportunity to watch him work and participate in creating a clay dinosaur of their very own.  To learn more about and see examples of Gary Staab’s work, go to  Thank you to the Sepaphur family for making this unbelievable opportunity possible!

Tommy Donbavand’s Scream Street Skype

4th grade students at Rousseau had a rare opportunity to Skype with the author, Tommy Donbavand. Tommy Donbavand is the author of the comedy horror novels, Scream Street.
Beginning in September 2010, he set off on a virtual tour of the United States with the help of Candlewick Press. He aims to visit one school in each of the 50 states via Skype within the next two years. Rousseau was lucky enough to be the Nebraska school for his Scream Street Skype Tour. Our 4th graders had the opportunity to interact with him from his home in Lancashire, England and ask him questions.  During the session, Tommy was very enthusiastic and eager to talk with the kids about whatever they come up with.


In 2010 the Nebraska State Legislature signed into law LB800.  This law requires schools to refer every student who reaches 20 absences during the school year to the County Attorney.  Schools are also required to refer students who exhibit a pattern of absences or tardies that may occur from one year to the next.  Referrals must be made regardless of the reasons for the absences.  When a student is absent from school, it becomes difficult for the child to master the curricular objectives necessary to build a solid foundation for future learning.  If a child is gone, he or she misses out on classroom discussions and activities that are difficult, and sometimes impossible, to recreate.

Students attending Rousseau School on special attendance permit must display satisfactory and punctual attendance.  If students on permit reach 20 absences or tardies their permit to attend Rousseau School may be revoked, in addition to possible referral to the County Attorney.

It is our mission to assist families through our attendance procedures.  We inform parents of absences via stage letters sent through United States mail.

Stage 1 – 5 days absence

Stage 2 – 10 days absence

State 3 – 15 days absence

Lincoln Public Schools has a similar policy for excessive tardies.  Children who are late to class have difficulty starting their day with their classmates.  Instruction begins as soon as the children enter the classroom.  Children who are tardy miss valuable announcements and instruction that help to set the tone for the upcoming day.

If you have questions about the Lincoln Public Schools attendance policies or procedures, please contact Mrs. Schirmer

Book Fair

The Rousseau Book Fair is Jan. 18-Jan. 21 in our Media Center.  A new feature this year is the ability to also participate online!  If you can’t make it to the school you might visit the online Book Fair at the link below:

Winter Haikus

Skaters spin on ice.

They glide gracefully like birds.

Now their show is done.

-By Paxton

Snow is as white as

The clouds. Santa’s coming

Down your chimney soon.

-By Jacey

Snow is falling down.

It is freezing cold outside.

Snow is tumbling fast.

-By Tyler

In the winter there…

Are shimmering bright snowflakes

Wow. Wow here they come!

-By Treyson R.

Snow welcome to us.

Fall and fall for us tonight

Like you are our friend.

-By Matt

Snowflakes are falling

Snowflakes so interesting.

Snowflakes are the best.

-By Katie

Are they sleeping yet?

Bears are sleeping in the homes

Grizzlies in their den.

-By Owen C.

Snow snow let it snow

Ginger smells sweet in the air

Laughter fills the rooms

-By Emily S.

Winter is awesome

The snow is fun to play in

Winter is now here

-By Stephanie M.

The car is frosty

The snow is tumbling fast.

It is winter out.

-By Brody

Winter is here

Time to put Christmas lights

For Christmas magic.

-By Jordan W

It is snowing lots

I am always really cold

But I do not care

-By Jack

Snow is flaking Yay

Winter is snowy and cold

Snow ball fights are fun

-By Maddy P.

Freezing Wonder

Air is cold and blue

Snow covering the bare trees

Nature is snowing

-By Allison F

Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite

Winter is so fun

Snow is flying bugs are dead

Or laying in bed.

-By Barrett F.

Snow is falling down.

Big snow angels being made.

Santa is coming.

-By Lewis

Shimmering Flakes

In the winter there’s…

Shimmering flakes on the ground

Stars shine upon them.

-By Halle C.

Dashing through the snow

In a one horse open sleigh

In the fields of joy.

-By Jacob W.

Winter is coming.

The holidays are coming.

December is here.

-By Gillian Kohl

Winter is here now

Santa comes down the chimney

I love Santa Claus

-By Landon

Snow is Falling

All around is white

Gleaming flakes floating to the ground.

Flakes are tumbling now.

-By Janna Marley

In the cold winter

It is always snowing here.

Snow is amazing

-By McKabe C.

Winter is here Yay!

We can go have super fun.

Snow ball fights and forts yay!

-By John

The American Dream

Rousseau’s building-wide theme this year is “Hopes and Dreams.” Listen as a few of our students talk about what “The American Dream” means to them!

The American Dream

Principal’s Notepad: October 2010

Dear Rousseau Families,

This week, Project TRUST (Teaching and Reaching Using Students and Theater) from Lincoln High School presented their award-winning sexual abuse prevention program “TOUCH” to our students. This is the same theater group that presented the “Be Nice” bully prevention program at Rousseau School 2 years ago.    The “Touch” personal body safety program has been a favorite within Lincoln elementary schools for the past 17 years.

The highly energetic and entertaining TOUCH program talks with children about the continuum of touch we may experience: touch that is safe and good, touch that is confusing or embarrassing, and touch that is not ok with us because it leaves us feeling hurt or bad or scared. The show ends by talking about safe good touch again, thereby completing the continuum.

TOUCH uses high school students as actors and a professional in the field of child development and sexual abuse prevention as the moderator.

The interactive nature of the TOUCH program gives children the opportunity to rehearse responses to uncomfortable situations and provides a supportive environment for children to learn to say no to touch that they don’t like, to get away, and to tell someone.

A follow-up activity guide is included in your child’s Friday Folder materials today. Please feel free to contact me, Rousseau School counselor Kelly Thieman, or the program’s director, Susan Letheby, at 476-2424 if you have any questions or would like further information about how to talk with your child about this important subject.

Have a wonderful and safe fall break!

Most sincerely,

Sue Braun

Rousseau Website Updates

You likely noticed that the Rousseau website went through some big changes over the past summer, but the updates did not stop there! This month there have been some significant additions to the site aimed at offering as much timely and useful information to parents as possible.

  • Staff: The staff page has been reconfigured and many staff members have added “profiles” that tell our community a little more about them. Click on a teacher’s name to view them, or scan across to the end of their row to see if they link to any classroom or grade level websites.
  • LPS Parent Center: Along the top of the page you can now find the ‘LPS Parent Center’, which contains quick access to many of the LPS resources useful to parents like Forms, District news, and various student services.
  • Sidebar: Links have been added to the sidebar of most pages that connect you with student meal purchasing, LPS’Pedia, school newsletters and other frequently accessed information.

Transportation Safety Reminders


School policy recommends that only students in grades 4 and 5 be permitted to ride bicycles to school. Students are expected to follow correct safety practices and are asked to walk their bicycles on school grounds. Racks are provided on the northeast side of the school. Please lock them up on the side nearest to the school so people can easily walk on the sidewalks. Bicycle locks are highly encouraged along with bike helmets.


Parents who walk their children up should wait for the crosswalk guard to signal for them to cross.


Children should ONLY enter and exit from two cars in front of or two cars behind the marked crosswalk in the drive through. Children should avoid walking between parked cars. If parents need to get out of cars, please pull over to the curb or parking space. Having students ready to exit the car immediately will keep traffic moving.